Philly slammed by snow ahead of Union's Saturday opener, but what's new on East Coast? | SIDELINE

Philly slammed by snow ahead of Union opener, but what's new? | SIDELINE

PPL Park in the Snow

Bust out the orange balls, Philadelphia. Looks like there’s gonna be a bit of snow at PPL Park on Saturday.

Scarcely 48 hours before they’re set to open the 2015 season on Saturday against the Colorado Rapids (4 pm ET; MLS LIVE), the Union were busy trying to dig themselves out from a big-time snowstorm that hit the Philadelphia area.

According to the club, more than 90 people are currently removing the snow at PPL Park, with their work expected to continue all the way until gates open at 3 pm ET.

The team also appears to be getting some help from one of the other Philadelphia professional sports franchises, who have been buried by the local media since news of a controversial trade broke midweek.

Philly isn’t the only MLS city dealing with the prospect of snow this weekend, with D.C. – who played in a driving rainstorm in the CONCACAF Champions League on Wednesday night – getting a blanket of the stuff at RFK Stadium early on Thursday morning. D.C. host Montreal on Saturday (3 pm ET; RDS). 

March 5, 2015

At least the East Coast has had plenty of time this winter to get used to the snow, right? We'll see this weekend.