Sound the Friday-on-the-internet klaxon! Is it time for ... puppies? Oh yes, it's time for puppies.
These fur babies are totally topical, however! The Seattle Sounders are heading into another Audi 2015 MLS Cup Playoffs match this Sunday against FC Dallas, so they've gone for every possible good-luck boost they could get.
Voila, their #GoodPlayoffsKarma event yesterday, in which they partnered with the Seattle Humane Society to encourage pet adoptions.
What else do you need right now?
Here's a small dog in a Seattle Sounders scarf.

Here's a cat who someone should really adopt so she can look a little less Sarah McLachlan-worthy.

Here's a tender moment with athletes and dogs.

Look at that moment of unbridled joy that can only come from cradling a tiny, perma-shivering pup!

Bellies were rubbed; pets were adopted; a million karmic points were surely tallied in the universe. Good luck on Sunday, Sounderss and fans! Here's a hype video for the game, too, while we're here.