Sporting Kansas City's Dom Dwyer, Graham Zusi, Matt Besler to take part in Hot Dog Derby | SIDELINE

SKC's Dwyer, Zusi, Besler suit up for Hot Dog Derby at Royals game

Sporting KC hot dog race

UPDATE: Mustard, in confirmation of its status a the world's No. 1 condiment, won. Matt Besler repped Team Yellow.

We all know there’s plenty of speed on the Sporting Kansas City roster. Dom Dwyer, Graham Zusi and even center back Matt Besler all have some decent wheels.

But how fast are they wearing a hot-dog costume, you ask?

Well, we’re all about to find out. Dwyer, Zusi and Besler are taking part in the famous Hot Dog Derby in the Kansas City Royals’ game Friday night against the Detroit Tigers.

The players really tell it best.

More on this story as it develops.